msd consulting GmbH is a small consulting company created by Urs Heierli in 2003. It is focused on market-based development interventions and is grounded on the belief that private initiative, self-help principles and market driven approaches are the key to sustainable development.
msd consulting stands for
- Markets
- Sustainability
- Development
Based on the conviction and experience that markets can become very powerful drivers for development and that poverty alleviation should involve the private sector to deliver affordable products and services or to provide access to markets for small farmers and micro-enterprises, several studies have been realised to understand the cooperation between private and public sector better. To read more visits
Urs Heierli (Ph.D. Economics)
msd consulting GmbH – Muehlemattstrasse 45 – CH-3007 Berne
Tel: (+41) 31 372 68 30
Fax: (+41) 31 372 68 31
Portable: (+41) 78 822 39 18