SDC’s Potential Levers and Measures to Foster Sustainability in the Private Sector
How to promote true Sustainability and Impact Readiness? In the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament prevail discussions about the SDC’s budget. The global 4- year credit 2017-2020 for the SDC has been intensely debated in the parliament and the authorization in the National Council ended up in a close run. There are various criticisms on SDC’s approach in development cooperation. The SDC is therefore under pressure to take action and change its previous approach. In the SDC’s dispatch 2017-2020 one of the priorities and focal areas which guide Switzerland’s development cooperation includes “strengthening partnerships with the private sector and diversifying sources of funding for sustainable development”. This means that the SDC is looking for new approaches which have greater impact and therefore, the effectiveness of SDC’s work will be questioned less in the future. Public Private Development Partnerships seem to be the solution for more effective and sustainable development cooperation. They are also one of the targets of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and necessary to implement all of the other goals. Through partnerships with the private sector it is possible to bundle public and private resources, expertise and know-how. The overall goal is that businesses take action in the area of development cooperation and are no longer only driven by profit but rather by sustainable impact.
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