Was sind die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkung der politischen Situation, die zu Untätigkeit und Unvermögen führt, einer wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit nachzugehen oder zu importieren oder zu exportieren. Beurteilen Sie die Situation vor dem Hintergrund des PRDP (Palestinian Reform and Development Plan).
True to the German saying, “A picture says more than a thousand words”, the pictured photograph on the cover side serves as an introduction for our paper.
What can be seen in the photograph? Of course, there is the dominating, tall wall in the picture. We see people that want to go on, but cannot since the wall requires them to go a long way round. There might be other people on the other side of the wall, but how can you communicate with them with such an obstacle in the way? Frustration arises and sometimes results in graffiti that can be seen on the wall as well. For the car, the wall marks the terminus as well. It is therefore not possible to make full use of the promise of freedom that cars stand for. In our picture, the car that had to turn around stands as a symbol of the restricted mobility in the Palestinian territories and shows that for the economy as well, a border in form of the wall exists.
However, right in the middle we can detect one last thing that shows that hope still exists: we are referring to the pattern on the wall in the middle of the picture. How it could be possible to find a way through this wall and in what way the Palestinian Reform and Development Plan [PRDP] supports such a measure shall be analysed by this paper.
Firstly, we will deliver some information on the background of the conflict which will lead us directly to the PRDP. A new initiative to bring development and peace to the middle east. But how can the Swiss agency for development and cooperation [SDC] contribute this target? This paper focuses on the idea of an IT business in the Occupied Palestinian Territories [OPT].