An analysis of the potential of incubators as a part of the development strategy of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in the SENAP region with a special focus on Tunisia, Tanzania, Zambia and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Summary “Incubators and their cousins, accelerators, provide hands-on training and mentoring, and often a physical space, […]
Social and Economic Integration of Refugees in the Region of their Origin
This paper aims to answer the following question: How can the great amount of refugees residing in the region of their origin be socially and economically better integrated without causing resentment and fear within the local population? The case of Jordan…. Read & Download studies
Migration – eine entwicklungspolitische Perspektive
Eine Studie der Denkfabrik “Foraus” zeigt auf, dass mit Entwicklungshilfe keine direkte Auswirkung zur Reduzierung der Migration aus dem Süden erzielt werden kann und dies hat in der öffentlichen Debatte zu billigen Schlussfolgerungen geführt, dass die Entwicklungshilfe sogar das Migrationsproblem verschärfe…. Read & Download studies